Monday, November 26, 2012

Production Blog 10

The Marker Experiment
Sorry I missed last week between Thanksgiving and an involuntary trip to the Negative Zone. I've been AFK for a bit. But I'm back so here I am. Well during the last two weeks I've really gotten back to work, starting on Four pages a drawing and my Christmas card. Due to Hand pain from caulking and painting my dad's storage shed I mostly worked in pencil only recently have I started inking. I'm working all Four pages at once so none are complete yet but they will all be done soon.

As for the Drawing I've begun a working with grey markers. Thank you Copic promo at LBCC. And I've been Experimenting with Photoshop colour "washes" over them the results look promising. "why are you wasting your time with this" I hear you ask. Well my straw friend I'm hoping this will become a new way that I can do my cover Illustrations.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Seriously! Really!

A Warning the subject I'm going into is one that probably will make it hard for me to keep my normal polite scholarly tone so I may get a bit colourful in my use of language from here on out.... 

Well I'm making my blog rounds Tuesday morning I head to one of my favourites the informative and fun DC Women Kicking Ass and I see this

It Can be seen in context here apparently Tony Harris is a Comics Artist, I don't know him or any of his work, but what I do see here is the tired old Fanboy bullshit of "Cosplay girls aren't real fans."  And it makes my piss boil that this opinion is so damn prevalent on the Internet from fans and professionals.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Production blog 9

Hello. Not much to say this week so I'll keep it short. This page which has occupied me for this week and much of last is a interpolated scene, which plays a pivotal point in the narrative that is why I've redacted the <redacted> and the <redacted> that it produces. but if you really wanna know what <redacted> does. I probably have posted an image where I didn't redact <redacted> or what it produces.

Well enough of that silliness. I will be moving on to the bigger scenes of the book now including the action. So things should be speeding up soon.

This page also marks the first in book appearance of Dr Mishlov the self proclaimed nemesis of Hero Chick. She has already appeared however in the first set of Interwebz Adventures of Hero Chick 

instead of giving you my normal pretty pictures. I've decided to give you the progress of a single panel after the jump.   

Monday, November 5, 2012

Long Beach Comic and Horror Con 2012

Me at the booth  photo Nick Newman
Well My first con season in support of The Super Cliche Hero Chick  has come to an end the same place it began last April, at the Long Beach Comic and Horror Con (LBCC). This is always a fun con with a very good atmosphere. I did pretty well, getting my comic into the hands of more people than all the other cons of the year. I also met a lot of people, and may have gotten some future Illustration opportunities. While I've never had truly bad neighbours at a con, I was pleased and honoured to have some wonderful neighbours. First Richard Holmes and Shelly from Orion's Belt with whom I had the great pleasure of talking about pop culture and the art of writing for many of the slow moments of the con. And Illustrator Terry Huddleston who shared many a clourful story about the failings of The Dark Knight Rises. Good neighbours means a good con and therefore I had a great con. Saw some great cosplay as well, including a group portraying the X-men of the 90s and a great Fourth Doctor. What's neat about doing these cons in the LA area is that I'm starting to recognize and know con-goers and they are starting to know and recognize me. It kinda shocked me when a lady was passing by and said "oh it's that Hero Chick I saw the other day" these are the moments that make life good.    

My Copic Sketch card
A cool thing at this con is that Copic a con sponsor gave everyone in Artist alley one of their awesome and pretty expensive markers. And I had a lot of fun toning my artist trading cards. I'm really thinking of getting back into marker toning my stuff again... So mission accomplished corporate advertising guy.

My nieces with their copies of SCHC
On Sunday I got a nice visit from my cousin's husband Nick and my adorable nieces. They where happy to see me and  I them. It's always nice when friends or family stop by at a con, it reduces the feeling of isolation (that at least I get) and gives you a nice second wind during the long day. They liked their copies of my comic. My younger niece insisted on hold hers downside up because "now the girl is right side up"
the Doctor and his sketchcard portrait.
Something that I've enjoyed about this con season is that my book has attracted many female readers. While I'm not really going for a female audience specifically (I truly believe an audience chooses your work not you your audience), but I was always hoping my little funnybook would appeal to both gals and guys. And I find it exciting  that it not only does but that it seems to appeal more to gals.  What do these observations mean? I don't know for sure? but it's exciting none the less.
The best X-men Cosplayers ever
So all in all the LBCC was a great end to a really good con season. I think The Super Cliche Hero Chick launched quite well, all things considered. I've learned a great deal about promoting at a convention, and I hope that next year's Con Tour will be even better.

Speaking of the next con tour the dates are shaping up (none are yet confirmed)
Free comic Day Bases Cards and Comics May 4
The Long Beach Comic Expo May 11
Stan Lee's Comikaze 2013 Nov 2-3
Long Beach Comic And Horror Con 2013 Nov30-Dec1


Friday, November 2, 2012

production blog 8

We do it with SCIENCE!
Hello sorry I didn't post last week I was real busy and I had F'all to post.

Well I've gotten started on a one page scene, and I've taken my time with it (aka been faffing about) but I got some good looking stuff on it. I won't get to much this weekend as I'll be at the Long Beach Comic and Horror Con.

I also have been designing a new character for the upcoming fourth issue of The Super Cliche Hero Chick. I'll go more in depth on that after She's introduced.
well that's all for now so here's some Purdy Pictures.