Well not much to say this week. I'm started on the next scene. Which is oddly enough the first scene of the book. It also marks the first time in the series that all three of the main characters have been on panel together with the first real appearance of Erin (
she featured as the Innocent bysatander in issue one's back page funnies.)
Unfortunatley I'm suffering from Comic Page ADD. Akin to writers block, Comic page ADD is my term for when I can't keep focused on a single page for a length of time. it usually stems from boredom, fear of a panel or background, or too much caffene. My cure for Comic Page ADD? I work on more than one page at once. And when I get a bit of a block on pencilling I letter or ink what has been done. Because when your working on a Comic or a picture book. The most important thing is to keep the pen moving. If you're not working on that book everyday you're hosed.
Well that's this week and I have some pretty pictures for you. Thanks.
Erin Makes her appearance |