Monday, June 2, 2014

The Long Beach Comic Expo.

     Well there's another one in the books. The Long Beach Comic Expo is usually a fun and productive con and this one was no exception. However this con was... different it seemed to have a dark cloud over it. First, I knew that for the first time since I started it I wasn't going to have a new Hero Chick comic, due to freelance work. But that was no problem! I don't have a high returning readership so I essentially still had four "new" issues . Then, two weeks out, I managed to lose the notebook of sketchcards that I had crafted at the end of last year. Bummer! But I was able to make more. But then, two days before the show, a family member got injured leaving me without one of my helpers, my brother. In fact, I would have cancelled the con if it wasn't past the refund date (careers career but family is family). So needless to say I wasn't "feeling" it.

      Then on the eve of the con I drove down to Redondo Beach to stay with my cousin and co writer Ruben. Well when I say drove I mean after the three trips back home from a couple of blocks away to get the things I keep forgetting. Including my suitcase! Then I was off! I had a good drive and arrive in quite a timely manner. Meanwhile while unpacking my stuff, I realized that between talking to the people in my house about how I kept leaving things and grabbing my pillow and blanket (which I also had forgotten), I realized that I left my suitcase... AGAIN! Well there was no way I was gonna drive back, or have my brother leave from helping out the aforementioned family member to bring me the case. So my cousin and I went down to the Target and I got some clothes. Then it was off to the Redondo Cafe for some Quebecois smoked meat, so the night would at least end right.

       Thankfully after all the drama leading up to the con the whole thing went wonderfully. I arrived, albeit less professionally dressed than intended, right at eight got signed in and set up shop.

Then I got a great bit of news! My cousin Amanda's husband Nick would be joining me to help out. So now the team was back to  full strength. Once again (knock on wood) I was blessed with wonderful neighbors and after the whole team got there everything was great.

       I did pretty good business all in all. Sold a number of sketch cards and a good number of comics. Didn't "make table", but I really wasn't expecting to. Got my card to some people. One who was looking for a character designer, and one who was looking for a "bronze age" style artist for his dream project so we'll see if either of those pans out. On Sunday I didn't have Nick, but still had Ruben. And business was good in fact most of the business was on day 2. Toward the end of the con I got to go out and buy some stuff for my dad and brother (avid fan print collectors both) as well as a couple trades and seventies comics gems for me.  

Seventies Comics Gems
     Making things even nicer, my Cousin Julia (Ruben's sister) came out with my Uncle and Grandfather. It was her first con (I think) and she and they enjoyed themselves immensely it's always great when friends or family come to visit. All in all despite the crap start a good con.

9:00 am Sunday
      I've been really terrible at pictures for the last two cons (partly due to Daniel, The guy who I make take pictures) not being there. Hoping Julia will post the picture that she took on Facebook so I can hijack it for the header.

     But in the meantime the only sketchcards from the con I remembered to take pictures of ...
Raven belongs to DC Comics

Hans belongs to Disney

Friday, May 2, 2014

A Bit About the Fantastic Four

Hello Everybody. It's been away a while. I wish it was because I've been super busy or that I've been lost in some made up Sci-fi Scenario, but, nope just been away. Sorry.
So... what to talk about... what to... there we go! These guys!
Yup The Fantastic Four.