In just a few hours, the world ends. Well not really, but the DC universe, which has stood as "cannon" (I hate that term) since 1986 is coming to an end and in it's place shall rise the so called new 52. And I have to say I have not been more excited about DC comics in a long time. It is a great opportunity to throw off the shackles of extremely convoluted continuity, and start new and fresh and allow new ideas of these Iconic characters flow. That said I also have misgivings. I as a reader don't give two shits about continuity, true I know a lot of it as a comic reader for at least 26 years, but I really don't care if my continuity is gone, or as some fans (melodramatically) put it none of it counts. I am a little miffed that my beloved Supergirl has ended just as I believed it was getting good. My worries are one, they won't go far enough and two they'll get just as convoluted just as fast. As for one, they only seem to be going bold with Superman and by extension Supergirl and boy. And a lot of he differences seem to be in the "darker and grittier realm" which I don't go for in super hero books. But I promised myself I won't prejudge any more than I would with any new comic. As for two, it seems that they are picking and choosing which character's are getting new origins, for instance Superman is all new, Wonder Woman seems to have newish bits, but Batman isn't changing at all except a condensed timeline, oh and Barbra Gordon can walk again and is going to be bat girl pissing off handicapped people the world over. This bothers me because I've seen it all before.
Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was this comic company that told stories about guys and girls in tights that saved the world. this company was of course DC and they didn't really care about. how these stories fit together. Then one day they found out their readers did. And to preserve the old stories people liked without getting in the way of the new stories they wanted to tell, they had an easy answer. "it happened one Earth 2" for years after DC had what came to be known as the Multiverse. And in retrospect I thought it was a good way of handling continuity the writers got to tell cool engaging tales and the continuity nerds got to keep track of their well ordered "Cannons". But later, I don't know DC history well enough to know if it was editors or Fans, but the Multiverse was deemed too complicated. I don't get why people are so scared of continuity a comic is just like any other book you read it if you like it keep reading it if you don't try something different, but I digress. It was determined that something had to be done to simplify it. So they destroyed the Multiverse in the epic "Crisis on Infinite Earths". leaving only one continuity, made of elements of all of the "earths" tailored to fit together. Sound familiar? Well it worked quite well at first, Most notably in the updating of the characters it's never a bad idea to do that in fact I believe that the big characters need a shake up every ten years. But after a while the continuity got just as convoluted if not more than it was before "Crisis" leading to a number of events in the last decade that where completely about continuity. It was a mess, and it didn't even last half as long as the Multiverse. So here DC is again re starting their line and streamlining the continuity.
Like I said I think this is a good idea, but I'm hoping this new continuity stays cleaner and easier for the easily daunted new reader than the "Post Crisis" era was. Look at Ultimate Marvel that's what this could easily become. I have high hopes and a lot of excitement.
So here's the books I'm looking forward to.
Batgirl: Even though I'm not fond of oracle not being around anymore, Gail Simone was the best writer ever on Birds of Prey and it's worth the $2.99 just for her writing Barbara Gordon again. Plus it looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun.
Action Comics: It's always neat to see new takes on Superman, and Grant Morrison is just batshite crazy enough that even if it sucks it'll be worth the look.
Supergirl: though I hate her new costume and the aggro "all his powers and none of his compassion" stuff in the press releases. Supergirl is my favourite DC superhero if not favourite superhero so y'know hopeless fanboy.
All Star Western: I'm interested in what a 21st century western comic will be like.
Swamp Thing: He's been gone for a while it's time.
Wonder Woman: though it still seems that the people at DC still don't have a handle on what Wonder Woman is, they are at least giving her a niche having her fight the paranormal/ macabre. It looks like it'll be fun. As long as they don't portray her as a "man hatin' bitch"
Though not interested in "Grifter" "Stormwatch" or "Voodoo" I am really stoked that the Wildstorm stuff is being brought into the DCnU.
well happy Wednesday and welcome to the new world.
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