Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Future!

When I started making The Super Cliche Hero Chick last year I thought, "oh I'll write the two or three Superhero stories that have been aching to get out of my brain and get on to my other projects!" Hero Chick was only to be in a couple of comics and then maybe there would be others down the road as ideas came to me. You know the first story where she beats up the thug? Stories like that where supposed to be the extent of her existence. 

But y'know Creative endeavors never seem to go quite the way you expect, and as I was writing the first Issue Hero Chick took on a life of it's own! I started to really have a thing for the characters and as I wrote the origin and started working on the other stories. They began to really work for me. In fact issue two was written in an evening after falling out of love with the two followups I had already written (they're unlikely to see the light of day any time soon) Alice, Drew and Soon Erin took hold of me. But it wasn't just me they took a hold of. They also caught my cousin Ruben* in they're thrall. And as a leap of faith in both him as a writer and myself as collaborator** I offered Ruben to come on board as co writer. Then something happened, ideas really took off.  Ruben has this amazing ability to come up with an entire plot line from a line of dialogue in the current story! And when we started talking about ideas, they just kept going and by the time we had finished writing Issue 3 and I was drawing it we had started on at least four other stories! I think I like this collaboration business.

In a round about way what I'm getting to is that The Super Cliche Hero Chick isn't going anywhere, and for those of you along with us for the ride, it's only getting better.

Here's a bit of what's in store for The Super Cliche Hero Chick...

A Sharper focus. Hero Chick has had a bit of an identity crisis in it's first year as I then We have tried to figure out just what makes it tick. It's been a straight parody, big comedy, action, and situation comedy. And trying to figure out what, that we do is special, I think we've arrived at the answer. The Super Cliche Hero Chick is above all under all of the action a character piece. I'm for lack of a better term calling it a superhero sitcom.*** Not that the action is going away! but expect to see more character driven and comical work in the future.

Bigger Stories. The next three stories, and possibly the fourth (as planned today) are huge. With Ruben and I reaching to the farthest levels of our creative ambition. I mean these are so big I will have to be at the absolute top of my game as a cartoonist to even hope that they'll be pulled off.

An Arc based story structure. Since The Super Cliche Hero Chick is not going anywhere anytime soon. Ruben and I have gotten more comfortable with linking our stories together, forming arcs that we're jokingly referring to as seasons. If you've been following the book you are in the mid way point of season one, of which there are two more episodes, as planned. These have followed the loose arc (we hadn't thought of this until we where writing what will probably be issue 6) of Alice taking up the mantle of Hero Chick. The next Season starts at (the proposed) issue 7. Now those of you that are worried that we'll be dropping the stand alone Nature of the series. Don't worry! We plan for each issue of The Super Cliche Hero Chick to be a satisfying experience to any reader whether as a stand alone adventure or a chapter in a bigger narrative. Each book is more of a sequel to the previous not another episode in a serial.

A tighter Schedule (I hope) The Super Cliche Hero Chick has operated on the tightest turnaround I've ever had making comics, having something new for each Convention season. But I know, especially with the creative burst we've been having, it isn't good enough. I mean at the rate I'm going I'll be finishing Season one in 2015. So I'm going to try to get my turn around to bi monthly, I really hope I can for both you guys and myself, but I work a job, and try to get wahtever freelance and convention work I can get in between, so i won't promise you guys anything until I've actually acommplished it.

More con appearances (and hopefully getting Ruben to them) I've learned that the only way to get the book out there is to get out there! So I hopefully will be getting to more cons in the next year. I really need to find something (preferably in the LA area) in the middle months of the year. Also I hope to get Ruben to more since half the creative team just doesn't seem quite as impressive. But as said earlier he is a busy man and has the misfortune (at least for cons) of working on Saturday, but we're working on it.

Well here's to Hero Chick's Future. Hope you come along.

*Check out his Tumblr Doctor Jigga Who the Expert on Everything. He doesn't update often (he's quite busy and I think I'm taking up all of his writing time :P) but, just like the man, it is very insightful, funny and heartfelt.
**Something I had never done and was afraid I was too self centered to do. 
***I love this name but sitcom has so many unfortunate implications these days.

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