Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I wasn't planning on writing anything on the wonder blog until I made my "Year in Review of the new 52" then I saw this over at DC Women Kicking Ass.
According to writer Geoff Johns This is the new Status Quo, not a one off. Sometimes I despair.

(Goes and gets a whisky)


This is a pairing that has never worked for me, and I've had to endure it in almost every Elseworlds as well as most of the Millerverse. It is the most fanwankish of fanwankish stories, as it only works in the physical, and usually stems from an over thought carnal fantasy ala Brody Bruce ... and really who wants to be him. really other than he's super, she's super, and she's invulnerable enough, what reason would there be for this pairing? On a character level they have close to nothing in common, they're even too far apart for "opposites attract" Superman's a farm boy She's an Amazon princess who is also a Demigod. True they care about justice but that only makes them co workers*. leaving once again the only point for them being together, sex. So in other words fanwank.

I will concede I may be being unfair to this, it may be a fling that leads Superman to fully realise how much he loves Lois, and Wonder Woman Steve Trevor, but with the way they've been sidelining Lois...  One thing I'll give em at least they did this early in the new DC universe, instead of trying to tack it on later.

Geoff Johns is a capable writer, even great from time to time, but this is why I have never liked him. He writes well in the technical sense, but many of his stories that I've experienced, have been Fanboy pandering, and don't let the talk of daring new ideas fool you, giving a group of vocal fans** exactly what they want is not daring and new it's pandering, but that's for the aforementioned "Year in Review of the new 52". This is not new and daring it's slash fiction.

*Also as a writer I believe that a superhero's best friend and or lover should not be a superhero, there is much more drama and capability for humanization of the superhuman character, that way. This opinion doesn't enter into my argument, but fuels it, so it's presented as an aside. 

**Silver Age fans I'm betting, many Dark Age fans hold a Lois is the love of his life opinion, and modern "new readers" raised on the DC Cartoons would probably prefer a Batman\Wonder Woman pairing ala "Justice League the Animated Series." 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hero Chick #2 is Off to the Priters

"The Super Cliche Hero Chick #2" or as I like to call it "Hero Chick vs The Robot OF DOOM!" has been sent off to the printers. It has a publication date of September 7. This book was a blast to draw and the fastest turnaround between issues I've ever had. 

I will of course have it at Stan Lee's Comikaze, and The Long Beach Comic and Horror Con.

Cool Pictures

Last night the Curiosity Rover landed on Mars and here are some awesome pictures.

one of the first panoramas...
And this is cool, the orbiter got a picture of Curiosity parachuting down. You gotta admit that's awesome