Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Belated Yet Somehow Inevitable Post About the Avengers Movie

I don’t think I have to tell you that the Avengers movie is a huge hit, statistically there is no one in the western world who hasn’t seen this Joss Whedon film.  And like many I loved it. The movie worked, and I’m amazed. If you would have told me five years ago that the crazy plan at the end of Iron Man would not only happen but become the second biggest superhero movie of all time (soon to be the biggest I’m predicting) I would have laughed. This movie should have been impossible. To make a sequel to five separate films that share a world and continuity, that’s big. As in possibly game changing big.
Since I’m two weeks to late on this (if your reading in Europe a Month.) I won’t review the film many have done so and done so better than I could. But I will say Hulk stole the show, and Marc Ruffalo, should play Banner forever. Scarlet Johansson in 3D, I’ll just let that explain itself.  And the end credit sting, damn! So what I’m gonna do instead is give you my humble opinion of what would be best for making sure the inevitable Avengers 2 is as good as the first.

  1.  Keep the slow burn. Disney I know Avengers is printing money for you right now but don’t , please don’t, rush the sequel. A big part of why this movie is so successful right now is that we as fans have been anticipating it since Nick Fury showed up at the end of Iron Man five years ago. And every movie that led to the Avengers built on that excitement until it was released this May. The same should be done for the second. If an Avengers 2 gets released without a full four movie cycle like the first it will not be as big of a hit. 
  2.  Keep Joss Whedon happy. I had my doubts about Joss Whedon as the director, but he was defiantly up to the task. Keep him. Do anything it takes, agree to his new show on ABC, let him make more Dr Horrible, build a Serenity ride at Disneyland. Just make sure he doesn’t bail.  
  3.    Don’t change the team.  Seriously, this group of superheroes works, they compliment each other well , and all have something to do in the scheme of things. Now the urge to get more of the characters from the comic in there is strong but it should be resisted. Adding more characters can severely gum up the works for an already complex movie. Same goes for the actors, try to keep as many of them as possible and don’t change the Hulk again, Ruffalo was amazing.  I seriously want to see a Tony Stark Bruce Banner buddy film. 
  4.  Make a bigger better story. Let’s not mince words here the weakest part of the Avengers was the plot. It was literally stop Loki and seal the hole in the sky.  Luckily the movie was made by a guy like Joss Whedon, so the interactions between the characters was the real point and main event. But a sequel, it has to be bigger and the plot has to be a functioning part of it. But if you saw the reveal in the credits, you know this won’t likely be an issue. 
  5. And seriously stop killing beloved characters Joss. There are other ways to move a storyline this is seriously becoming a crutch almost as bad as M. Night Shayamalan’s twist endings. My brother, cousin, and I were even making bets on who he’d kill. I don’t mind death in my movies and stories, but I like it to be something other than a plot contrivance. But more on that when I make my “Troubles I have with Joss Whedon” post.  
So there you go the things that I feel need to happen to make avengers 2 as good as this one. I loved Avengers,  and I’m looking forward to the next few years of Marvel Movies.  

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