Friday, January 4, 2013

production blog 13

Sorry I've been away so long, went off to visit my friend Dr Jigga Who and I learned that when he tells you to not press the red button on the quasi quantum time dilation generator.... don't. but anywhoo I'm back and I'm hitting the pages so much so I'm having a hard time remembering to take pictures and post them.

I'm at the fight scene now and am working on two to three pages at a time. I've found that in the action bits it keeps my energy up. It also keeps continuity easier.

Another problem has arisen while writing these Production blogs. I'm now getting into spoilerey territory. For a while I was redacting the parts of the image that would spoil things but that was driving me insane. so I decided instead to place all the spoilery stuff after the jump. Don't worry I'm still withholding really important pages. But you just got yourselves a SPOILER WARNING.


Now to the purdy pitcures.

inking in progress

This page coming up I was having a real tough time with so I took a deep breath turned the  page over and started again...

The Pipeline

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